St Mary Catholic Church

St. Mary Church

Saint Mary

Catholic Church


“Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word.” (CCC 1213)

The origin and foundation of Christian Baptism is Jesus.  Before starting his public ministry, Jesus submitted himself to the baptism given by John the Baptist.  The waters did not purify him; he cleansed the waters.  . . .  Jesus did not need to be baptized because he was totally faithful to the will of his Father and free from sin.  However, he wanted to show his solidarity with human beings in order to reconcile them to the Father. By commanding his disciples to baptize all nations, he established the means by which people would die to sin – Original and actual – and begin to live a new life with God.

By Baptism we become members of the Church, the Body of Christ.

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God”

Guidelines for Baptism


  • At least one of the parents must be Catholic.
  • Must be registered in a Catholic Church.
  • Birth Certificate of the child


  • One sponsor, male or female, is sufficient, but there may be two, one of each gender (Canon 873).
  • Must be registered in a Catholic Church
  • Must have completed the sixteenth (16) year of age.
  • Must be a Catholic who has been Confirmed and has already received the Sacrament of the Eucharist and leads a life in harmony with the faith and the role to be undertaken.
  • Must not be the father or mother of the one to be baptized.
  • If the sponsors are a married couple, they must be married by the Catholic Church.
  • A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesial community may not be admitted except as a witness to Baptism and together with a Catholic godparent.
  • Both parents and sponsors are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class.

Baptisms are celebrated on Saturdays at 11am, depending on the availability of the church and the Priest or Deacon.

For more information: Lucila Sanchez 219-398-2409

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